, Ph.D.
- U.S. Patent Agent
- English
Dr. Coates’ IP practice focuses on technologies and tools specific to the oilfield and petrochemical industries. Thirty years of work experience as well as extensive research and development have provided Dr. Coates with a unique insight and high level of expertise in this field – advantageous for patent preparation and prosecution.
Prior to joining Osha Bergman Watanabe & Burton (OBWB), Dr. Coates worked at Sperry Drilling – Halliburton as the Chief R&D Advisor and as Research Manager & Scientific Advisor at Schlumberger. His research has ranged from borehole-acoustics & seismics to fiber-optic acoustic sensor applications and crosswell seismic imaging. He has also collaborated in an advisory capacity with a number of renowned universities.
- American Geophysical Union (1987 – present)
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists (1990 – present)
- European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (1993 – present)
- Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (2017 – present)
- Associate Editor – Geophysics (Borehole Geophysics); Society of Exploration Geophysics (2019 – present)
- Associate Editor -Petrophysics (Acoustics); Society of Professional Well-log Analysists (2017 – present)
- Organizing Committee SEG SEAM Workshop (2016)
- Schlumberger Representative on the SEG SEAM-II Management Committee; Chair of the Acquisition & Processing Sub-Committee (2014 – 2016)
- Schlumberger’s Representative on UT-Dallas Math Department External Advisory Committee (2013 – 2016)
- Organizing Committee SPE Geosteering Forum (2001)
- Panel-Member, National Academies of Sciences Workshop on the SECURE Earth Initiative (2000)
- Best Paper/ Honorary Mention – 67th SEG Meeting (1997)
- Regular Reviewer & Session Chair for SEG & EAGE Annual Meetings (1992)
- University of Cambridge, U.K, Ph.D., Geophysics
- University of Cambridge, U.K., M.A., Natural Sciences (Physics)
- University of Cambridge, U.K., B.A., Natural Sciences (Physics), First Class Honors
- USPTO Updates Guidance on Enablement
- Intelligently Protecting AI: The Do's and Don'ts Under U.S. Patent Law
- Improving Communication Between Inventor and Patent Agent/Attorney
- Li, P., Lee, J., Coates, R.T., Jing, J., Wong, S.M., 2019. New 4. 75-in. Ultrasonic LWD. Technology Provides High-Resolution Caliper and Imaging in Oil-Based and Water-Based Muds, PETROPHYSICS, Vol. 60, No. 6 pp 733-754
- Home, S., Coates, R.T. & Bolshakov, A., 2019. Do Dipole Sonic Logs Measure Group or Phase Slowness? GEOPHYSICS, Vol 84, No. 6, pp C3 l l-C322
- Fletcher R.P., Nichols D., Bloor R. & Coates, R.T., 2016. Least-squares migration – Data domain versus image domain using point spread functions, The Leading Edge, Vol 35, pp 157- 162
- Vigh, D., Jiao, K., Cheng, X., Sun, D., Coates, R.T. & Kapoor, J. A robust imaging workflow to take advantage of long-offset broadband data acquisition; The Leading Edge Sep 2014, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 978-984
- Haldorsen, J.U.B., Leaney, W.S., Coates, R.T., Petersen, S.A., Rutledal & Festervoll, H.I., 2013. Imaging above an extended-reach horizontal well using converted shear waves and a rig source, GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 78, No. 2, pp. S93-Sl03
- Haldorsen, J.B.U., Zhu, F., Hirabyashi,N., Borland,W.H., Kumiawan, H., Yamamoto,H., Al Ghammari, K & Coates, R.T., 2010. Borehole acoustic reflection survey (BARS) using full waveform sonic data, First Break
- Coates, R. T., and A. B. Weglein, 2005, Internal multiple attenuation using inverse scattering: Results from pres tack 1-D and 2-D acoustic and elastic synthetics: In Multiple Attenuation, Ed: Weglein & Dragoset
- Weglein AB, Araujo FV, Carvalho PM, Stolt RH, Matson KH, Coates, R.T., Corrigan D, Foster DJ, Shaw SA, Zhang HY. 2003. Inverse scattering series and seismic exploration, Inverse Problems, 19, R27
- Chen, Y.-H., Coates, R.T., & Chew, W. C., 2002. FDTD modeling and analysis of a broadband antenna suitable for oil-field imaging while drilling, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, vol. 40, no. 2, p.434-442
- [14] Kurkjian, A. L., Coates, R.T., White, J. E. and Schmidt, H., 2000, Finite-difference and frequency-wavenumber modeling of seismic monopole sources and recievers in fluid-filled boreholes, Seismic wave propagation: collected works of J.E. White, 21: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 363-374
- Coates, R.T., 1998. A modeling study of open-hole single-well seismic imaging: Geophys.Prosp., 46, 153-175
- Chang, C., Hoyle, D., Coates, R.T., Kane, M.R., Dodds, K., Esmersoy, C. and Foreman, J. 1998. Localized maps of the subsurface, Oilfield Review, Spring Issue
- Esmersoy, C., Chang,C., Kane, M.R., Coates, R.T., Tichelaar, B. and Quint, E., 1998. Acoustic imaging of reservoir structures from a horizontal well, The Leading Edge, Soc. Expl. Geophys., 17, 940-946
- Coates, R.T., and Schoenberg, M., 1995, Finite-difference modeling of faults and fractures, Geophysics, 60, no. 05, 1514-1526
- Kurkjian, A. L., Coates, R.T., White, J. E. and Schmidt, H., 1994, Finite-difference and frequency-wavenumber modeling of seismic monopole sources and receivers in fluid-filled boreholes, Geophysics, 59, no. 07, 1053-1064
- Chapman, C.H. & Coates, R.T., 1994. Generalized Born scattering in anisotropic media, Wave Motion, 19, 309-341
- Coates, R.T. & Charrette, E.E., 1993. A comparison of single scattering and finite difference synthetic seismograms in realizations of 2-D elastic random media. Geophys. J. Int., 113, 463-482
- Chapman, C.H. & Coates, R.T., 1991. Seismic waveform modelling of high-frequency body waves, In: Directions in Electromagnetic Wave Modeling, Eds: Bertoni, H.L. and Felsen, L.B., Plenum Press, New York
- Coates, R.T. & Chapman, C.H., 1991. Generalized Born scattering of elastic waves in 3-D media, Geophys. J. lnt., 107, 231-263
- Coates, R.T., & Chapman, C.H., 1990. Quasi-shear wave coupling in weakly anisotropic 3-D media, Geophys. J Int, 103, 301-320
- Coates, R.T., & Chapman, C.H., 1990. Ray perturbation theory and the Born approximation, Geophys. J. Int., 100, 379-392
- Coates, R. T., 1990. On the scattering of seismic waves, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, U.K.
- Coates, R.T. & Chapman, C.H., 1989. Beyond the Born approximation, In: Elastic Wave Propagation, Eds. McCarthy, M.F. and Heyes, M.A., Reidel, Dortrecht