Osha Attorneys
Osha Attorneys
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The collective expertise of our global team distinguishes OBWB in the field of Intellectual Property Law. We align our best resources to meet each client's specific needs and we treat each matter with the highest degree of attention and care.

Robert  Ko

Robert  Ko

  • U.S. Patent Agent
  • English
  • Chinese (Mandarin)

Robert Ko’s practice emphasizes patent prosecution in the consumer electronics, oilfield, optics, semiconductor, software, and telecommunications industries.

Mr. Ko was previously an engineer with Arescom, Inc., Lumina, Inc., Silicon Storage Technology, and Quickturn Design Systems. Additionally, he was also a project manager and engineer with Wyse Technology and a custom integrated circuit design engineer and semiconductor device physicist with Hewlett Packard Co. Mr. Ko is an inventor in several issued patents in the area of reconfigurable emulation circuits.

  • United States Patent and Trademark Office
Select Publications
  • University of California at Berkeley, M.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • National Taiwan University, B.S., Physics
  • “X-ray Lithography, Negative Photo-Resist Etch Rate Dependency on Radiation Dosage,” Masters Thesis, University of California at Berkley.